
no real cohesive topic here.

if i was found carousing about the web at my last job, wannabe intimidating bossman would have chopped my hands off and subsequently beaten me with them, using me as an example for other workers to comply with office policy.."or else." big R.C., if you're reading this (and at this hour, you shouldn't be according to your aforementioned policy), snack on it..cuz i'm coming to you live from T H & T in beayooooootifully frigid downtown boston. mmmm yum..tastes like i win.

while i can't get enough of putting on my grown-up clothes, jumping on the T and playing a little game we call "work" every day (including, but not limited to, the thrice daily objectification rituals courtesy of the guys in the mail room), the past few weeks laden with holiday breaks have been, per usual, a delightful time shared with the people i love. christmas, as predicted, involved not only yards of crumpled wrapping paper and bottomless drinkies, but also bursting with dramatic flavor. for the record, if you like how the way your head happens to rest just-so on your neck and shoulders, don't mention weddings, politics, or pork fried rice within a seven-mile radius of my kin. they will hear you..and you will pay..dearly.

less deadly (depending on how you look at it) was the new year's celebration at el apartmento de mikey klein. who's the asshole who brought the noisemakers, leis, and tiaras that pretty much guaranteed an ungodly mess and temple-throbbing migraines the next morn? why weren't they denied entry based on simple common sense? because it was me..that's why..and everyone who played along in the fashion show/jam fest looked and sounded fabulous. to the host du jour: good show old chap..nothing like a night of alcohol and substance abuse amongst amigos to ring in the '04..except the door kicker and the champagne monsoon. definitely not in the forecast..more proof why meteorologists are worse liars than republicans.

on that sure-to-anger-some-GOPers note, i have to go file some ridiculously important accounts. and they put me in charge of this why?

..now privy to the fact that champagne is NOT a beauty secret,

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