
oh my god..you totally want my shit.

although today began with an olympic-caliber tumble off the top bunk and later followed with my bi-weekly (and quickly becoming dreaded) encounter with the heinous blonde bitch on wheels, today wasn't all too shabby. i even got a bonus crotch in the face..score!

i will preface this comment with the disclaimer that the following statement is very sincere and heartfelt..but don't get used to it. this is a one-time thing up in here: to everyone who imed me today to tell me that i am very funny, witty, and talented writer (there were several of you believe it or not)..THANK YOU because y'all were responsible for the sheepish grin plastered across my face for the better part of the afternoon. i know i may come off all cool and nonchalant most of the time(even though it's usually just lack of sleep or perhaps a nyquil hangover gone awry)..but right now i'll admit that i'm downright giddy and genuinely touched. what i'm basically trying to say is that you rock harder than an '80s hairband (pick one..they're all the same). end sincere and heartfelt statement. i'll be here all week. try the veal.

..always the modest one,

ps..sorry for the lack of laughs today..sincerity and cynical humor just don't mesh.


the downfall of western edumikation and other assorted lameosities.

unless you are suffering from a premature case of alzheimer's..you may remember me saying that i probably hated you already, regardless of who you are. SWEET SASSY MOLASSEY that couldn't be more true today! if you're at all squeamish..you may want to leave your computer and hide in a dark corner now.

the first person/place/thing/general noun that i hate is college professors who treat you like you're still walking around in your huggies. bust this: in my lit class today, my professor, whom i will affectionately refer to from now on as "the heinous blonde bitch on wheels," (write that down for later reference) showed us a movie. i'm sure you are thinking "wow..she must be mad chill to do that on the second day of class"..and normally i would agree with you..but no NO. the only thing chill about this woman is the blood running through her veins. as the clock ticks closer and closer to the time we have to leave..people begin gathering up their respective belongings because..well we have lives that do NOT revolve around her class. most professors have come to expect and overlook this kind of thing..but the heinous blonde bitch on wheels (remember her? you should if you wrote it down!) actually turned around..put one finger up to her lips..and SSSSHHHHHHHHHHHed us. my mouth dropped and a you've-got-to-be-fucking-kidding-me expression across my face. i was half expecting her to make us line up for individual spankings and then deny us dessert after that! tommy d was there too..and he can back me up when i say: who DOES that?!

moving on to the next people i would like to tie to a chair and beat with a hammer are spring break gym-whores. i myself am an avid gym goer and fitness class attendee. i have also grown to recognize the constipated faces and firm behinds..albeit drenched in sweat and stinking to high heavens..of other regulars..and take comfort in knowing that they too know the value of a good work out. we go to the gym or fitness class at our convenience..do our thing..and leave. this is something that we have been doing so since the dawn of time (a little exaggeration i know..but you get my point). all of a sudden..winter intersession is over and all of those familiar, sweaty faces that i have come to expect to see during my visits have been not replaced, but overshadowed (pun intended), by the whiny, fluffy, beer-gutted majority of the uconn population. these lumps, who probably haven't even said the word "gym" in their entire lives, have left their prominent ass-grooves on their futons and are now monopolizing the treadmills and ellipticals, the pilates mats and chisel weights, that rightfully belong to me and my fellow hard bodies. do me a favor: grab a bag of chips and a bowl of easy mac and take your cellulite elsewhere so i can return to my former life in peace.

the aforementioned shlubbs are the same people..or are at least descended from the same ancestral breed of shlubbs..who make rides on the good 'ol uconn shuttle amazingly similar to a guest appearance in a sardine can. don't get me wrong..i can understand that no one wants to freeze their huevos off in this weather..but if i have to wait patiently for "the shuttle that's coming in 2 minutes" then so can they. again..no NO. these people pack themselves in so tight that a) those of us fortunate enough to find a seat are frequently subjected to an intimate conversation with a stranger's crotch, b) they occupy all the seats..making vertically-challenged folk like myself reminiscent of barnum and bailey's trapeze artists dangling high above the crowd from one of those too-high-for-my-liking monkeybar/supposed handrail things, or c) there is absolutely nothing to hold onto at all so when the driver (whos license should have been revoked about 8567845769854 years ago) stops short you end up losing your balance and create a massive domino effect within the bus. THEN..after all that..they give you nasty-ass looks when they can't get off the hell ride fast enough. hahahahahaha..and FUCK YOU.

last on my list (for today anyway) are people who think they are sooooOOOOOOO much better than everyone else. scenario: i am bleeding from both eyes and have a compound fracture on my left fibula..and this person is all huffs and puffs that paramedics are fawning all over me and not paying attention to their hangnail or something. i'll make this brief: if i could vomit on every single person i have ever met who was like that i would be the poster girl for bulimia. someone stop these people from reproducing. IMMEDIATELY.

..officially spent,



we're friends, right? great..carry my baggage.

it's about 1:30 p.m. on a sunday..and i am awake and alert. there are so many things wrong with that statement.

so now that we are better acquainted (i'm assuming of course that you have read my last put-it-all-out-there-for-the-world-to-see post), i think it's high time that you become my shoulder. whether you like it or not i am going to be commenting on, obsessing about and venting anything and everything on my mind here several times a week. it's your choice to keep coming back to listen..but once you get a taste you'll be craving more (if that sounded at all raunchy it was probably intended that way). you're probably going to know things that my own mother is clueless about..and why wouldn't you? we've known each other for approximately 3.2 seconds. THAT..my nameless faceless confidante..is what i call a quality relationship.

this was the first official weekend back at the 'conn. since i'm the only out-of-stater in my crew, it was the first time i've been able to do some much needed catching up with some of my favorite people in the world. and what better way to that than over an obscene number of cocktails and recreational substances. ahhhhh the college life! whether it was the thought of classes that would be potentially ass-raping us throughout the semester or sketchball romantic interests that just weren't going the way we would have liked..after a few hours (even less for some..big ups to judy m!)..that was all forgotten. my good time was almost destroyed when some kid called me an insincere bitch because of a comment i made. i was about ready to put my fist through his face until i found out he was just a frosh. oh you..so much to learn..so little time to do it in before you get smacked upside your overly gel-styled head. needless to say..within minutes i was able to return to destroying my liver in peace.

after much careful consideration..i have concluded that it would not be a good idea for colombian supreme and i to be in charge of the future. we would have people doing some pretty fucked up shit purely for our amusement alone. possible ideas: making people really sit in their underwear during a presentation to put the speaker at ease instead of them just imagining it and having our text books shrunk down into microchips to be implanted into our brains..making the buy-back process quite similar to one of those slice-and-dicefests they broadcast on tlc. things that make ya go hmmmmmm..

in a related story..grab-ass is game that should go under olympic consideration. talk amongst yourselves.

..until next time,